Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Decision Making The Best Alternative For Reaching Objectives

As we live our daily lives, we make decisions on literally anything we do every moment. We even make decisions in the house walking around, for example, whether to go downstairs to get a glass of water now or wait until later. Even though we make many decisions, most of the time, we do not realize it because many of the decisions made are natural things like breathing, and we do not even consider those as making decisions. However, I believe that any activities of daily living involve either conscious or unconscious decision makings, and our brains continue on going through various decision making processes. Decision making is defined as â€Å"the process of choosing the best alternative for reaching objectives† (as cited in Chelladurai, 2014, p. 158), and the decision making can be as simple as whether to get out of the bed as soon as you wake up in the morning or stay in bed a little longer, to as complicated as making executive decisions for a business organization as a chief executive officer (CEO). In order to make a decision, we go through certain steps of decision making process which can be simplified or followed through every sing step, depending on the value and the importance of the decision to be made. In this paper, steps of decision making process will be discussed. According to Chelladurai (2014), there are four steps in the classical model of decision making, which are defining/framing the problem, generating all possible alternatives, evaluating allShow MoreRelatedEssay on Decision Making845 Words   |  4 PagesDecision-making models, or the path that one would choose in his or her decision-making, is heavily relied on the information one has received. By having all the correct information available, decision-making becomes an easier task. The model in which one would base his or her decision-making upon can be analyzed into six different factors: the problem at hand, the goals that want to be reached, alternatives, pros and cons , decision(s), and reason(s) behind the decision(s). According to RichardRead MoreDecision Making : An Essential Skill Of A Productive And Successful Manager1089 Words   |  5 PagesDecision-making is an essential skill of a productive and successful manager as it has direct impact on the organization and team. 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