Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Impact Of Generational On American Work Settings

The Influence of Generational Issues in American Work Settings Most Americans are very opinionated on all topics i.e. religion, politics, sports, etc. It has been made pretty clear that the Baby Boomers think that they are always right compared to what they consider the future generation, Millennials. We are now in the year 2014 and what they used to consider the future generation has become the current generation that is taking over. â€Å"By 2025, Millennials will account for three out of every four workers globally (Zent).† As the Millennials start taking over the work force it is important for the Baby Boomers to accept them and show them how to successfully do their jobs without judgment. The other generations look at Millennials and†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"The vast majority of 18- to 29-year-olds polled — 84 percent — said adult children have a responsibility to provide financial assistance to an elderly parent if he or she needs it (Winer ip).† This data just shows that the Millennials do realize that they owe the older generations for their success and that they aren’t against them. From the research done and the articles read, it can be shown that these two generations can work together if they both put their stubbornness aside to help the rising generation. The Millennials vs. Other Generations in the Workforce The Millennials are stereotyped as lazy, slackers, financially unstable, unprepared for the real world, and many other things. This group of individuals is so large that it is absolutely absurd to classify millions and millions of people these mean stereotypes. â€Å"Today, â€Å"young people are far more heterogeneous than they were a few decades back,† Mr. Coupland wrote in an email. â€Å"It seems pointless to lump them all into one creative slot† (Marikar).† One key difference that this generation brings to the table is that they are excellent at multitasking. Most of the Baby Boomer generation just looks at the word multitasking as an excuse to be on a smartphone, tablet, and computer all at once when in reality it’s more than that. Other generations can view technology as a disadvantage because they feel you are less

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