Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Child Prostitution And The Exploitation Of Children Essay

Child prostitution is prostitution that involves exploiting children for a sexual act. The word usually refers to prostitution of a minor, or someone who is under the legal age of consent. In most places child prostitution is illegal, but not all. Sex trafficking is usually the first step to child prostitution. Sex trafficking is when a child is kidnapped or tricked into becoming involved in the black market sex trade or â€Å"survival sex.† â€Å"Survival sex† is when a child forced to engage in sexual acts to obtain basic life essentials. With child prostitution comes child pornography. Child pornography is the exploitation of children for sexual stimulation. It may produce with consent or non-consent. However, some people travel across the world to engage in â€Å"child sex tourism†. â€Å"Child sex tourism† is tourism for the purpose of child prostitution. â€Å"Child sex tourism† is most severe in South America and Asia, but is still a global p roblem. Most of the children involved with prostitution are girls, despite an increase in the number of young boys in the trade. Over 100,000 children have been forced into prostitution or pornography every year, as part of the $9.8 billion U.S. sex trafficking industry. â€Å"Child sex trafficking has been a severe problem. According to the Department of Justice, forty percent of all human trafficking cases opened for investigation between January 2008 and June 2010 were for the sexual trafficking of a child. Victims on average are between theShow MoreRelatedProstitution Is Legal For Human Trafficking1010 Words   |  5 Pagesnumber is increasing. Prostitution is legal but human trafficking is not. How can we make prostitution legal and then not expect is to lead to more human trafficking around the world. Prostitution is the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment. Usually when you think about prostitution you think about out of the United States. 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The fact that young girls are finding their way into the complex system of prostitution is often met with disbelief (OJJDP, 2002). In order to understand prostitution, it is necessary to understand: 1. Lethal gender inequality 2. Incest and other childhood sexual assault 3Read MoreProstitution, The Act Of Prostitution1324 Words   |  6 Pages Prostitution, the act of â€Å"providing or receiving sexual acts, between a prostitute and a client, in exchange for money or some other form of remuneration† (Hock 557). The idea of exchanging sex for valuables has been seen since the beginning of human society; the first reported data about prostitution was reported around 3000 B.C.E in one of the first known civilizations, Mesopotamia (Caraboi and Fierbinteanu 362). Also, prostitution is often referred to as â€Å"the world’s oldest profession.† TodayRead More Child Trafficking Essays1660 Words   |  7 PagesChild Trafficking â€Å"The global market of child trafficking is at over $12 billion a year with over 2 million child victims† (â€Å"Stop Child Trafficking Now† 1). This statement from the article â€Å"Stop Child Trafficking Now† describes how serious this crisis is nationwide. Child labor, illegal adoptions and child prostitution are the three forms child trafficking typically exists as (â€Å"Riverkids Project† 1). There has been a rising number of Cambodian children being trafficked for sexual exploitationRead MoreHuman rights are the natural-born rights for every human being. The United Nations applied the1300 Words   |  6 Pagesworld mainly by human trafficking. Currently there are more people who are trafficked and enslaved than the entire 18th and 19th centuries. Human trafficking and slavery are also gender-based violence. There are varieties of slavery, such as enforced child labour, forced labour, sex trading known as â€Å" white slavery†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦etc . This essay will be discussing and outlining Article 4 â€Å"No one shall be held in slavery or servitude†. Human trafficking is a social problem; it causes serious violation of human

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Impact Of Generational On American Work Settings

The Influence of Generational Issues in American Work Settings Most Americans are very opinionated on all topics i.e. religion, politics, sports, etc. It has been made pretty clear that the Baby Boomers think that they are always right compared to what they consider the future generation, Millennials. We are now in the year 2014 and what they used to consider the future generation has become the current generation that is taking over. â€Å"By 2025, Millennials will account for three out of every four workers globally (Zent).† As the Millennials start taking over the work force it is important for the Baby Boomers to accept them and show them how to successfully do their jobs without judgment. The other generations look at Millennials and†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"The vast majority of 18- to 29-year-olds polled — 84 percent — said adult children have a responsibility to provide financial assistance to an elderly parent if he or she needs it (Winer ip).† This data just shows that the Millennials do realize that they owe the older generations for their success and that they aren’t against them. From the research done and the articles read, it can be shown that these two generations can work together if they both put their stubbornness aside to help the rising generation. The Millennials vs. Other Generations in the Workforce The Millennials are stereotyped as lazy, slackers, financially unstable, unprepared for the real world, and many other things. This group of individuals is so large that it is absolutely absurd to classify millions and millions of people these mean stereotypes. â€Å"Today, â€Å"young people are far more heterogeneous than they were a few decades back,† Mr. Coupland wrote in an email. â€Å"It seems pointless to lump them all into one creative slot† (Marikar).† One key difference that this generation brings to the table is that they are excellent at multitasking. Most of the Baby Boomer generation just looks at the word multitasking as an excuse to be on a smartphone, tablet, and computer all at once when in reality it’s more than that. Other generations can view technology as a disadvantage because they feel you are less

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Judgement in “Sonny’s Blues” and “Cathredral Free Essays

The short story â€Å"Sonny’s Blues† written By James Baldwin is a story of two brothers who come to understand each other. The story begins and takes place in Harlem, New York City, where the narrator, whose name isn’t mentioned at all in the literature, is a teacher at a local high school, as he is on his way to work then reads on a newspaper that his younger brother, Sonny, who he hasn’t seen or spoke to in a while, has been arrested for possession and use of heroin. Throughout the story, he depicts Sonny as this troubled some young man, who never had any sense of direction towards what he wanted to do with his life or what he wanted to become. We will write a custom essay sample on Judgement in â€Å"Sonny’s Blues† and â€Å"Cathredral or any similar topic only for you Order Now He viewed him as a product of the system, because as children growing up; Harlem, was basically a dark whole, full of malice, drugs, and corruption. After his short stint in jail, the narrator then welcomes his younger brother to stay with him and his wife for the time being. While Sonny’s stay at his older brother’s house, he then explains to him his constant struggles in life and why everything was so different for him as he was growing up. He tells him that no one ever really listened to what he wanted to pursue in life, and how he wanted to be this Jazz musician, but everyone just believed it was a phase. The narrator still didn’t really understand where Sonny was coming from. Until Sonny, one night invited him over to a local jazz bar, where everyone knows and respects him, to go watch him and his buddies play some music. It is then, as Sonny and the band is on stage, he begins to watch his younger brother struggle with the music. He watches his entire brother’s struggles come pouring out as he plays, and then he finally realizes who Sonny is and what he’s made of. In the short story, â€Å"Cathedral† written by Raymond Carver, similar to â€Å"Sonny’s Blues† the narrator of the story’s name isn’t given. The setting takes place in Connecticut, where the death of a blind man’s wife, gets him to visit an old employee of his. The narrator who is the husband of the woman who use to work for the blind man, isn’t fond of him staying at their house. As the story moves along, the reader can see how the husband is ignorant, in the fact that he frequently keeps stating to himself how he doesn’t understand how someone can fall in love with a person who is blind, until after eating supper and his wife went off upstairs to get dressed. They both sit in the living room, and the husband invites Robert to smoke a joint. While flicking through channels, they finally leave something, they are willing to bare. It’s a show on different types of cathedrals around the world. The husband then asks Robert, if he has any idea or imagination of what an actual cathedral looks like. Robert says no, and he wants the husband to explain. The narrator has a life-changing moment, while trying to tell Robert what a cathedral looks like. The narrator, as he first trying to explain what the cathedral looks like, struggles for the words. However, upon Robert’s encouragement, the narrator loosens up, when the blind man asks him to go grab a piece of paper and pen so they can both draw this cathedral together. This is a close personal connection and intimate moment of communication for the narrator, and it impacts him greatly. The narrator is able to connect with Robert, and this is the moment where the narrator can put aside his insecurities and actually interact with someone else. People always have different views on different people, places or things. In my opinion I believe everyone should be open to meeting new people, giving people chances, or even be more open minded to different situations, because you can learn a lot from something or somebody else. For example the understanding of the older brother towards Sonny’s struggles in â€Å"Sonny’s Blues† and the connection the narrator in â€Å"Cathedral† had with the blind man. How to cite Judgement in â€Å"Sonny’s Blues† and â€Å"Cathredral, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp

Questions: 1.Use at least one appropriate tool or methods to identify your own emotional strengths and weaknesses. 2.Identify at least three instances where you have felt stressed or experienced a negative emotional state at work. For each instance, consider the precise context, causes and your response. 3.a.Identify at least two causes or triggers of your own personal emotional states at work. No Causes or Triggers of emotional states at work 3.b.Identify how you can use awareness of such triggers to control your responses and achieve positive outcomes, especially with respect to your impact on others and their work performance. 4.Identify at least one instance of modelling workplace behaviors that demonstrate management of emotions as an example for others to follow. 5.Identify three actions you will take to improve your own emotional intelligence on the basis of selfreflection or feedback from others. Reflect on emotional intelligence principles and strategies to justify your proposed actions. Answers: 1.Personal SWOT Analysis My Strengths Ability to be calm in tense situations. I am compassionate. I am adaptable to new environment. I am educationally qualified to properly understand and handle my tasks. My extrovert and friendly nature. My Weaknesses In order to multi-task, my focus deviates from one task to another and that causes delays. I have skills to be successful at workplace but to implement them in a correct way, I lack training. My helping nature sometimes affect my efficiency. Agreeableness sometimes holds me back. My Opportunities I am learning this course and it will bring stability in my career. The network of contacts I have at workplace will help in my overall development. The mix of skills and education I possess will prove as a boon to my organization. My Threats My colleagues are my competitors also. My weakness of multi-tasking is also a threat to my performance. 2.Three Instances are: No. Context Causes Response 1 Role in the Organization I was promoted to the post of Asst. Manager but my objectives (what company wants from my team) were not clear. I arranged a meeting with our Sen. Manager and discussed about my role and what company expects from me at that position. 2 Interpersonal Relationship at Work One of my co-worker who was also in my team was not supporting the team properly. His negligent behaviour was delaying our project. I informed him about the concerns of the team, motivated him to work properly so that the project can be worked out successfully on time. 3 Lack of Training While working as an Asst. Manager, once the management gave us a newly launched product and asked to promote it with the existing one. The management did not organize any training session to inform about the qualities of that product. I conveyed the message through our Manager that the team requires a proper training to know about the specifications and qualities of the product. 3.aTwo causes or triggers of my personal emotional state at work are: No. Causes or Triggers of emotional states at work 1 When people in our office dont clean the surroundings near their desk, it gives me a hint that they may be irresponsible with their work also. 2 When my colleagues do not come on time to office, my mind automatically questions their credibility. 3.b.If I am aware of these triggers or causes, I can use them in a positive way such as whenever I see somebodys desk in a messy position, I can tell them that keeping their surrounding environment clean brings positive energy and keeps the mood stable (Bradberry, 2014). For my colleagues coming late to office, I can tell them they can increase their productivity by coming to office on time. In both the cases, when I will be aware of my triggers, instead of being affected or stressed, I can advise my colleagues which will help them to perform better at workplace. 4.Instance: When an executive at the workplace is required to report directly to the manager but after promising also ignores the manager and dont send information. Moreover, when the executive doesnt reply to the reminder emails, the manager feels powerless, disrespected and frustrated. Various thoughts may arise in managers mind regarding how to solve it because it is hampering his image. Sometimes manager also thinks that why not fire him? It is mix of emotions. The manager needs to reaffirm his rights and do self-talks, such as the executive might be busy and what could be an appropriate win-win solution for this problem. The manager after taking 2-3 deep breaths may go confidently to the space where executive is working. When both will do face to face talk, the problem will be discussed in an appropriate manner and a solution can be found ("How to Handle Emotions at Work", 2009). The above instance of modelling workplace behaviour demonstrates management of emotions and set an example for other subordinates as a correct way to handle stressful situations related to junior employees ignoring the duties. 5.The three steps are: I will start paying attention on my behaviour while going through emotional triggers and will evaluate if it is affecting my productivity at work or communication with others. According to the Golemans mixed model of emotional intelligence, my awareness of my behaviour will help me to achieve emotional self-control and bring positive outlook in my thinking (Stys Brown, 2004). I will practice stress management at every level in my life. It will be most beneficial at workplace. Moreover, practicing stress management will act as problem-solving strategy and bring flexibility to my viewpoint (Deutschendorf, 2014). The emotional intelligence model of Bar-On will prove to be helpful in evaluating the relation between stress management and emotional intelligence (Stys Brown, 2004). I will start showing a genuine interest in my team members or peers. This will be a new skill I will generate and my team members or peers will feel valued. As Mayer, Salovey, and Caruso, EI ability model also states that developing new emotional skills are a more intelligent method to build trust relationships (Faltas, 2017). 6.Emotional intelligence is the most important leadership trait that determines the employees and managers performance at workplace (Cherniss Goleman, 2003). There are many areas of an organization in which emotional intelligence prove to be effective. Some of the areas are innovation, productivity, employee morale, employee commitment, sales and quality of service (Zeidner, Matthews Roberts, 2004). After identifying my strengths and weaknesses, I have basically understood how I can use emotional intelligence as an important trait to overcome problems at workplace. Such as, I usually get stressed out in unclear situations but if I am aware of my emotional triggers, I can easily overcome such situations. There are times when my helpful nature causes delay in my tasks at workplace and I need to learn the proper way to manage my behavior so that I can overcome any kind of difficult emotional situations. I will say that my emotional intelligence is increased when I will have a stable focus, that is one task at a time and I will find it increased when I will be able to make a connection between my thoughts, feelings and actions. To achieve this level of emotional intelligence, I need to implement some strategies that I need to practice daily. The steps that will be beneficial for me are: Noticing my emotional triggers all through the day. Paying attention to my body in emotionally stressed situations and try to be as much relaxed as possible. I will observe the connection between my behavior and emotions. I will try to avoid judging my emotions. I will reduce all the fears of rejection, negative realization and will use my strength to be cool and calm in these situations (Ni, 2014). By daily noticing my behavior and emotions, I will get a pattern. It will help me to evaluate my performance and do further planning if required. In one month of regular practice, I expect 80 percent improvement in my emotional intelligence from current state. References Bradberry, T. (2014).Forbes Welcome.Forbes.com. Retrieved 2 August 2017, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/travisbradberry/2014/01/09/emotional-intelligence/ Cherniss, C., Goleman, D. (2003).The Emotionally Intelligent Workplace. Wiley. Deutschendorf, H. (2014).5 Ways To Boost Your Emotional Intelligence.Fast Company. Retrieved 2 August 2017, from https://www.fastcompany.com/3026707/5-ways-to-boost-your-emotional-intelligence Faltas, I. (2017). Three Models of Emotional Intelligence.Center For Emotional Intelligence, Policy And Development (CEIPD). How to Handle Emotions at Work. (2009).Amanet.org. Retrieved 2 August 2017, from https://www.amanet.org/training/articles/how-to-handle-emotions-at-work.aspx Ni, P. (2014).How to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence ? 6 Essentials.Psychology Today. Retrieved 2 August 2017, from https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/communication-success/201410/how-increase-your-emotional-intelligence-6-essentials Stys, Y., Brown, S. (2004).A Review of the Emotional Intelligence Literature and Implications for Corrections(pp. 4-17). Canada: Correctional Service of Canada. Zeidner, M., Matthews, G., Roberts, R. (2004). Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: A Critical Review.Applied Psychology,53(3), 371-399. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1464-0597.2004.00176.x