Writing introductions for essays
How To Write A Professional Essay
Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Sexiest Girls of Olive Garden free essay sample
I accept that the objective market for Olive Garden is for the most part focused towards family. They utilize a motto in their publicizing, When youre here, youre family. They include youthful experts in their advertisements to target upper salary families. Ladies and youngsters were destined to be rehashed clients. The well known TV appear, The Girls Next Door, was intended to target men however wound up focusing on more ladies. It focused on youthful, school instructed, upscale adults.The explanation behind focusing on youthful female grown-ups is the expectations of persuading them that the lives the young ladies have on the show is a fantasy to follow. 2. Olive Garden has gone through years buckling down towards their picture as a healthy family eating foundation. Its settings are enhanced with numerous Italian components to cause if to feel as great and home-like as could be expected under the circumstances. The brand has had a lot of achievement, particularly with them supporting altruistic exercises. I dont think their picture is reliable with the picture of The Girls Next Door. We will compose a custom paper test on Hottest Girls of Olive Garden or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Olive Garden advances to guardians, grandparents, and families and this isn't what the TV show is about. I dont see families plunking down to watch a show about the Playboy young ladies. 3. Olive Garden will confront numerous dangers partner Playboy and Kendra with its cafés. I figure setting off to the cafés to locate the hottest representatives can be disparaging to the organization and may give families an inappropriate impressions. Giving the champ a naked Playboy pictorial will conflict with the family picture that Olive Garden has endeavored to gain.I wouldnt need my grandparents or kids partner Olive Garden with naked young ladies. In different hands, it could acquire a totally different group and give them more business in spite of the fact that it probably won't be the sort of group that they need. 4. Brand value is the point at which an organization makes their item a notable brand name. The brand can include noteworthy worth when it is very much perceived and gives the buyer positive affiliations. I trust Olive Garden has worked superbly with their image value in light of the fact that a large number of their clients are rehashing customers.Brand value is tied in with building faithful clients and they have constructed their organization on this. 5. I feel that Olive Garden needs to avoid partner themselves with the challenge and needs to prevent the Playboys from doing it. They request to more youthful individuals and families, with a considerable lot of them accomplished. Many individuals take a gander at the Playboys as non taught individuals who dont care much for themselves and this is the direct inverse of Olive Gardens brand. At last it would not be a decent intrigue for them and may make the families who are faithful clients to quit going there.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Essay on College Admission Requirements
Essay on College Admission Requirements College Admission Requirements Dec 19, 2019 in Education Introduction Many high school students apply to colleges every year. It is a complex, multilevel, and, at times, controversial process. College admissions involve multiple steps, and take a considerable amount of time. The major elements of the process are making choices, writing an essay, paying fees, visiting college, and passing interviews. Students prepare separate applications to every college. Though, the Common Application may sometimes expedite the process. Overall, the main controversy is that there are many requirements that may differ from college to college. Thus, a high school student should carefully study all standards and requirements of colleges he wants to apply to. In any case, it should be admitted that the complexity of the process and its elements is justified, as it works and preserves the general order of admission for all high school students. Body In recent years, students have started to apply to colleges earlier than the common deadline on the 1st of January, while the regular admission remains a widespread phenomenon. It is easier for institutions to process all data, if they have more time. Foreigners and minor applicants are usually the ones who choose this route. Some people think that the main controversy is that students are unable to compare competing aid packages from various colleges. Yet, students and parents may ask about the expected costs before applying. Thus, the aforementioned downside can be mitigated to some extent. At the same time, I agree that early admission is beneficial to wealthy families, as they do not have to compare financial aid offers. Additionally, early decision benefits colleges, as it almost guarantees that an applicant will attend. Thus, it helps college to improve its ratings. The other tool a student should use is an early action. It is similar to early decision, but it is not binding. T hus, a student can apply to multiple colleges. Moreover, there is a belief that early action is perfect for the students who have already decided where they want to apply to. Talking about regular admission, it is considered that it would be the best choice for the students who are not sure where they want to apply to. The main advantage of this way is that students are able to improve their grades during the fall of the senior year. Additionally, they have more time to make the decision about the college they want to enter. Yet, the best advantage is that regular admission results in higher offers of financial aid. It is a good subsidiary mechanism that simplifies the financial side of the process for many American families. Order now Live Chat One of the main college admission requirements is obviously the passing of a certain test. Most of the colleges accept either the ACT or SAT test. They have formulas that help to convert scores into admissions criteria. The main controversy about passing tests is that there have been examples of people passing the tests instead of the real students (Dominus). The phenomenon is illegal, but it remains a common practice. The other downside is that many students decide to take the test for the second time in order to improve their scores. Thus, they may become score obsessed. This is why many specialists advice passing tests only once, or maximum two times. The other issue is that the tests are often criticized for being ineffective in predicting life success. People tend to pay too much attention to the score, as if the result of the test determines who the person will be in his or her future. On the positive side, both SAT and ACT tests are equivalent and seem to bring similar results . Moreover, each test is equally accepted by colleges. The only point that should be mentioned is the slight difference in the structure of the tests that may benefit one of the test-takers. For instance, there is no penalty for wrong answer in ACT test, so a student can guess the answer while the time remains. At the same time, incorrect guessing is penalized on the SAT test. It makes SAT test more important in evaluating applicants. Some admissions officers consider the test to be a better indicator of academic ability. In any case, it should not be considered that the previously mentioned difference to have a great impact on the test results. A student cannot guess all the answers. This is why the issue should not be viewed as a major one. College admissions essays provoke different opinions. They are considered to be less important than high school grades and test scores. Yet, I believe that an essay can make a difference in certain circumstances. The essays may be a primary index of a students character. The student should be guided not by the quantity, but by the quality. The standard length of the college admissions essay is considered to be 500 words. A bigger essay may be irritating, and show that a student cannot qualitatively shape his or her thought. There is an opinion that the essay should be honest, concise, accurate, and cohering, while revealing a smart and likeable individual. A student may use humor and touch controversial topics in a balanced way. The main goal is to show social conscience, maturity, inclusiveness, and tolerance. Writing college admissions essay may be a controversial element in the admissions process, as it does not regard the precise knowledge that a student should show in SAT or ACT tests. Yet, everything can be blamed as prejudiced. In any case, it should be mentioned that the college admissions essay shows the students ability to think and analyze better than all the other college requirements Another major requirement in admissions process is passing an interview. Overall, interviews are considered to be less important than college admissions essays, but they should be done, if that is a requirement of the college. If a student decides not to go to such an interview, it may be detrimental to his or her chances for admission. I believe that it is the most important requirement that colleges have. The grades are not the only indicators of the students prospects. The interview allows a person to show the positive sides of his or her character and its strengths. Such qualities cannot always be seen in the admissions tests. Additionally, the interview helps to show the students desire to enter a precise college. An applicant may say something specific about the college, or a subject, or a professor who teaches there. Thus, it will show the students sincere interest and may improve his or her rating. Conclusion In conclusion, college admission is a complex, multilevel, and, at times, controversial process. It involves multiple steps, and takes a considerable amount of time. Thus, there are several college admission requirements that a high school student should accomplish. One of the first requirements is the process of applying. A student may choose an early admission, early decision, or regular admission. The other requirement is passing the ACT or SAT test. Having passed the test, the student may be asked to come for an interview, or write a college admissions essay. All previously mentioned requirements may provoke some controversy, but they mainly depend on the students punctuality and awareness. It depends on the high school student, whether he or she decides to carefully study all the standards and requirements of colleges, or decides to put it to chance. Eventually, it should be said that the complexity of the process and its elements is justified. The versatility of the requirement s preserves the general order of admissions for all high school students.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Analysis of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Free Essay Example, 1250 words
is a medieval romance of the late 14th century that foregrounds an unusual story that takes place in King Arthur s court, the Camelot. Even though the author of the poem is unknown, the text made of four parts resembles narrative poetry that tells a story about honor and chivalry. This paper mainly focuses on the first part of the poem set in King Arthur s court and features the lavish celebration of the New Year disturbed by the arrival of the mysterious Green Knight. The poem exposes very important themes about the political heritage of Britain but also raises critical issues of honor and chivalry. However, these significant themes come out through meaningful styles and formats that turn around much symbolism, dense alliterations, lengthy and detailed stanzas. The main theme of the poem consists in the political foundation of Britain by Brutus and its legacy handed over to King Arthur. This connection between Brutus and King Arthur represents the political authenticity of the king dom that still lies in good hands thanks to the talent, value and wisdom of its charismatic leaders. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page However, this political stability is also reflected through the presence of the knights but also the Queen, Guinevere and her demeanor: with Guinevere, full gaily, gracing their midst, / dressed on the dais there, adorned all about / splendid silk by her sides, and sheer above (4. This splendid presence comforts the king and consolidates his leadership and the significance of Camelot. Furthermore, the presence of King Arthur s nephew, Gawain, also represents another political trait because he symbolizes the continuity of the kingdom and its future preservation.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Decision Making The Best Alternative For Reaching Objectives
As we live our daily lives, we make decisions on literally anything we do every moment. We even make decisions in the house walking around, for example, whether to go downstairs to get a glass of water now or wait until later. Even though we make many decisions, most of the time, we do not realize it because many of the decisions made are natural things like breathing, and we do not even consider those as making decisions. However, I believe that any activities of daily living involve either conscious or unconscious decision makings, and our brains continue on going through various decision making processes. Decision making is defined as â€Å"the process of choosing the best alternative for reaching objectives†(as cited in Chelladurai, 2014, p. 158), and the decision making can be as simple as whether to get out of the bed as soon as you wake up in the morning or stay in bed a little longer, to as complicated as making executive decisions for a business organization as a chief executive officer (CEO). In order to make a decision, we go through certain steps of decision making process which can be simplified or followed through every sing step, depending on the value and the importance of the decision to be made. In this paper, steps of decision making process will be discussed. According to Chelladurai (2014), there are four steps in the classical model of decision making, which are defining/framing the problem, generating all possible alternatives, evaluating allShow MoreRelatedEssay on Decision Making845 Words  | 4 PagesDecision-making models, or the path that one would choose in his or her decision-making, is heavily relied on the information one has received. By having all the correct information available, decision-making becomes an easier task. The model in which one would base his or her decision-making upon can be analyzed into six different factors: the problem at hand, the goals that want to be reached, alternatives, pros and cons , decision(s), and reason(s) behind the decision(s). According to RichardRead MoreDecision Making : An Essential Skill Of A Productive And Successful Manager1089 Words  | 5 PagesDecision-making is an essential skill of a productive and successful manager as it has direct impact on the organization and team. 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What is Post-Modernism, functionalism and Marxism Free Essays
What is Post-Modernism, functionalism Marxism? What is ‘The Matrix’? And what have these three got to do with ‘The Matrix’? These questions are very difficult to answer some would say and others wouldn’t have much of a problem. Firstly, Post-Modernism, some claim, is replacing modernity. It’s being done by the loss of faith in science and rationality. We will write a custom essay sample on What is Post-Modernism, functionalism and Marxism? or any similar topic only for you Order Now These types of thoughts developed mainly from the 1980’s onwards and increased sceptism about theories of a better future. However these thoughts are in a relativist position, which denies that there are absolutes in any area of human knowledge. People believe that social positions of the informer are informed. Secondly, Functionalism means â€Å"structures, which fulfil the objective to maintain a system†. This basically means functionalists try and maintain order and peace in society. Lastly there’s Marxism. This is totally the opposite to a functionalist perspective. Marxism tries to create conflict between people and it always picks up on the negative views within society or organisations. You’re probably thinking what has all this got to do with ‘The Matrix’? Well, ‘The Matrix’ as we all know was one of the biggest hit films in America and the UK. It is all about the future and what the world is really like. How it’s seen through selected individual’s eyes. Keanu Reeves stars as ‘Neo’ in the movie, and ‘Neo’ means the one in a foreign language. The Matrix is known as a system, a computer. The Matrix basically being the Planet Earth. At the start of the movie ‘Neo’ is an ‘everyday’ individual, working with computers for his living until he begins to receive eerie messages on his PC and peculiar phone calls. This shows a functionalist and working class perspective as he’s an ordinary guy and lives a normal life earning money for his living. After this Neo is given an instruction which said to ‘Follow the sign’. The sign being a white rabbit on a females shoulder. Here we can see that this is completely un-natural, who hacks into computers and telephone lines to show a dull message? At first he was totally against going further with the matter but then he didn’t no what to do. This shows a Post-Modernism type of view as he’s undecided in what he wants to do. However ‘Neo’ was very curious and he decided to follow the sign. This again shows a form of Post-Modernism as he wants to know what’s behind all these ‘Signs’. Having followed the white rabbit he’s led to a club where he meets a lady called Trinity who begins to show Neo things he’s never seen before. After all this Neo wakes up in his bedroom, as if nothing has happened but he still remembers everything. So this is a type of modern view, bringing Neo back to the ‘Truth’ and ‘Reality’ part of the universe. The following day he meets again with this lady named Trinity and she shows him ‘The One’, Morpheus. Morpheus is the leader of the group at present. Neo is taken into a room where he is given two options, one where he has the option to take a red pill or the other where he takes a blue pill. The red pill keeps Neo in the ‘fantasy’ land and the blue which takes him back to his normal life where he forgets everything. Neo decides to take a really big chance and stay in the land of fantasy and takes the red pill. This shows a major type of Post-modernism, wanting to know more, wanting to know about other realms, and basically being really curious. It also shows a modern view as it didn’t take much time for him to decide what he wanted to do. Having taken this pill Neo is ‘Re-Born’ in a totally different way and is picked up by this strange looking creature and is thrown down this shoot to the other crew members. A number of people would definitely say this is creating a Jesus like sense; being ‘Re-Born’ and again this could cause conflict between some groups. So Neo decided to leave his ‘modern’ style life and live in another ‘Realm’. A few tests are run on Neo and he is given the all clear through Morpheus. Neo meets all his other crew members, some of their names being Tank, A-Poc and Switch. After this Neo is taken to a computer program where he battles with his leader Morpheus, Neo begins to realise he can do things he had never done before, such as fighting Kung-Fu style. Some may argue that this is a type of conflict or Marxism as he is being taught how to fight. Neo is also taken into a computer program where he is told to jump between two buildings which a really high and really far apart. Morpheus shows him how to do it, Neo tries to believe he can do and jumps. However he was unsuccessful, so this is trying to make Neo believe something he cannot do at the moment. So he fails the jump but is still alive as it was only a computer program. Neo begins to believe even more. Neo is taken back to the crew where he sleeps. Later on Neo is taken on a mission with his crew into ‘The Matrix’ where they are attacked by ‘Agents’, these are people who are against Morpheus and would take any measure to kill any one of them. In a way this shows reality because there are some people out there who are willing to kill an individual at any expense. The group could be a Marxist group because all they want to do is create conflict between each other. Again some can argue that Neo’s group are doing the same. Neo and the rest manage to escape excluding Morpheus, who is beaten and taken away with the Agents. Again this is a Marxist perspective as the agents are trying to create conflict. The only way of exiting ‘The Matrix’ is by receiving a phone call on selected telephones. These phones take them back to the ‘Real World’. This is a post modernist point of view as this wouldn’t normally happen in the world as we know it. Tank manages to get back safely and decides to cause a big problem. He agreed with the ‘Agents’ that he would do anything to get out of the ‘Real world’ and return to ‘The Matrix’. This is definitely a Marxist view, as he is trying to create conflict whereas the other crew members are trying to create some form of order in the ‘Real World’ while they battle it out with tank. Unfortunately for tank he is defeated and the rest manage to get back safely. They all begin to panic about Morpheus because they know that if anyone dies in ‘The Matrix’ dies in the ‘Real World’. Neo decides its time for him to shine and takes the matter into his own hands. This again can be seen as a functionalist perspective as he wants to create order but in order to do this he is going to create conflict. He returns to ‘The Matrix’ along with Trinity and seeks out Morpheus. The two groups battle it out and finally they reach a result. Neo defeats the ‘Agents’ and realises he had powers which he never knew he had. However, Morpheus dies and Neo takes over the role of being ‘The One’. Overall we can see that there are functionalist, Marxist and Post-Modern perspectives throughout the whole of the film. Some for good, some for bad, but which are which is for you to decide. At times it’s about your own personal views or opinions. How to cite What is Post-Modernism, functionalism and Marxism?, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
The Evolution Of The Harley Davidson Essays - Harley-Davidson
The Evolution Of The Harley Davidson The Evolution of the Harley Davidson By Barry Morgan Nearly a century ago, the first motorized bike was invented. The idea came from two ambitious young men, William J. Harley and Ben Davidson. Upon completion of their first successful prototype in a backyard shed, they were ready to show the world their newest creation. They could have never imagined the fame and fortune that was waiting just ahead of them. The invention of this unique machine sparked a revolution in the transportation industry. It could cover ground that was considered to be too treacherous for a four-wheeled vehicle to attempt. The narrow, two-wheeled design and the massive power made this possible and grabbed the attention of people everywhere. By the time World War I had begun, the United States Army had incorporated them into their ranks. However, the demand was not just from the Army. Civilians were finding the freedom of the wind in their faces and the sun on their backs completely addictive when they straddled one of these powerful machines. Although the first motorcycles looked nothing like the ones we see today, they were still considered to be the American Dream to many free-spirited young men. The flashy paint jobs and chromed-out motors with their loud mufflers expressed the born to be wild attitude of the daredevil riders. The low, road-hugging frame was constructed of a one-piece steel tubular design that had no rear shocks of any kind. Hence came the nickname Hard-tail. It was a stiff, spine-crunching ride that left even the most dedicated biker tired and hurting after a couple of hours of hard riding. The power train was a forty-five cubic inch, V-twin flathead motor with a four speed transmission that was shifted by hand on the side of the gas tank. The clutch was operated with the left foot, which made it extremely awkward when stopping at a red light or a stop sign. It did not take long to see the need for a more practical, comfortable ride. Thus, the inventors created the swing-arm frame. The swing-arm frame was built for comfort and tighter handling capabilities, which exploded onto the market. The design constituted two shocks on the rear of the frame, one on either side of the tire. The seat was also made of thicker foam than before. Harley Davidson also introduced the five-gallon Fat Bob gas tanks, which enabled the rider to take longer trips without having to stop for gas as often. The new frame design could also house a bigger engine. Therefore, the manufacturers increased the engine size to an eighty cubic inch, 1340 c.c. (Cubic centimeter) V-twin with a four-speed transmission and a foot shifter, using a hand-operated clutch. By this time, other motorcycle manufacturing companies had emerged everywhere. Japan, England, and Germany started building motorcycles that were basically all alike, other than the name. Dedicated Harley owners considered these foreign bikes disposable, since it was cheaper to throw them away and buy a new one rather than to repair them. They could not incorporate the quality that kept the Harley Davidson on top of the consumers best-buys list since their existence. Even today, the best selling motorcycle in the world, Harley Davidson, also happens to be the oldest motorcycle company in the world. Technology
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